We strip and brighten wood decks but do not stain them. For composite decks, we remove mold and/or algae.
There is nothing more enjoyable than spending time outdoors on your deck with friends and family. Whether you're cooking out or just simply relaxing, make sure your deck is clean and sealed properly. You don't want to change clothes just to sit out on the deck! Deck washing is not difficult if you have the right equipment, time and knowledge of how to treat wood and handle a pressure washer. But for most people, putting together this combination of requirements for washing decks is about as hard as doing the work.
Washing decks is only part of what really needs to be done to get a complete wood restoration effect. To complete the process, the deck also needs to be covered with a quality wood sealer.
The best solution for washing decks and performing the wood restoration steps necessary to protect your deck is to hire an expert deck washing contractor to clean and treat your deck with professional grade washing products and sealers. Hiring an experienced deck washing contractor can make a huge difference in the overall restoration and appearance of your wood deck.
If you are ready to improve the condition of your deck and you live in the state of Michigan, you can receive a complimentary deck washing estimate from us. We're a seasoned deck washing contractor that knows how to restore the beauty of your wood deck and apply the proper wood sealers and stains to help your deck last for years to come.